I was given a sephora friends and family discount code so i did a little shopping. Now i know it's a bit early to start thinking about christmas BUT i am one of THOSE people who gets so excited once i start seeing the stores bring out all the christmas stuff. (The marquee star is part of the michael's christmas range, love it!) So i got a few christmassy bits. And had to include the bow earrings my mom got me last year at old navy so cute! (and a dupe for the kate spade ones which i think are more than twice the price- my mom paid $8.50)
I really love the scent of the l'occitane almond range, it really reminds me of the holidays since i first bought it and started using it last year during the holidays. I was going to buy the full size shower oil but decided against it because it just seems to go really fast and i wanted it to last a while, so i bought the supple skin oil instead even though it was way pricer-treat yo self! right! The oil smells so amazing! and unlike the shower oil it actually lasts better and leaves your skin feeling so soft. I received a sample of this last year which did not have the pump and it was so messy, the full size has a spritzer which delivers just the right amount of oil onto your skin.
Of course i still had to have a shower oil so i bought the mini for nine dollars, i will just use it in the month of December as a little treat.
Ah! The holiday makeup is starting to appear and it is amazing! I am suck a sucker for packaging so when i saw this little tin i just had to have it. I love these lip balms and the tin has a mirror in it which i'm going to use in purse to store and apply lipsticks. I kept the honey lip balm for myself and have the rose one to my mom and will give the nude one to someone else-sharing is caring!
The last thing i got is this face cream which is going to go in my mothers stocking. I love the packaging so much! I really love the print!