Long time.. yeah i know.
Anyways, today i went to half price books (a used bookstore) in search of my textbooks for school hoping i could save a dollar finding them used. Since i was there i decided to go browse the clearance section and found the penguin edition of the memory keeper's daughter for a dollar! $$ cha-ching i bought the heck outta that! Anyways so just now i decided to go through it and see if the previous owner had left anything in it (I have a weird fascination with trying to figure out who read the book before me.) and i found the receipt for when it was bought in 2007 at a barnes and nobles in austin, i live in dallas. I don't know, it just makes me excited to know that. I also once found a airplane ticket from my copy of never let me go, and i imagined a business person buying the book from a airport to read during their flight and then selling the book back to the bookstore i bought it from. And then from a book bought from betterworldbooks i found sand in a few pages and some sort of flower in the next and i imagined a person taking the book around with them to read near an ocean and then under some kind of garden. Anyways these are the things that occur to me at 2 in the morning. Night.